Friday, April 23, 2010

Throwing Off the Kings

another morning
as a daughter of athena.

three inch jack hammer heels?
red lipstick?
accouterments and accessories?
check. check.

another day with the boys.

we civilization build
and play war.
we smoke stogies
in crowded boardrooms
and watch mortals crumble like ash.
we guffaw. it is good to be king.


i notice a run in my pantyhose.
milk from a lactating breast.
cramped feet.
hairspray malfunction.

i don't want to play anymore.

i take off my shoes
and use them to propel me
into the soil of my ancestors.

i move through hell
towards gaia and
the half buried pieces of myself.

i find inanna,
my sister in the dark,
and press these pieces into her hands,
asking her to breathe
prana into the fragments
and build wholeness.


Aly said...

Beautiful , Kel!

Anonymous said...
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Kelly said...

thanks, aly!

are you writing these days???

xoox k

Neil McCore said...

"i take off my shoes
and use them to propel me
into the soil of my ancestors."

is my favorite part.
you have a nice blog .. I hope to soon see new things

a fond farewell

é la parte che preferisco, il tuo è un bel blog.. spero di vedere presto nuovi post

un caro saluto

Kelly said...

grazie mille, neil! benvenuto!