Monday, March 17, 2008

Words of wisdom from tonight's yoga class

I received the following wisdom in tonight's Bikram class:

Master your mind.

Master your body.

Master the world.

I think my teacher is right. When we control our minds, we are capable of anything. When we release our attachment to people, outcomes, our future, we become lighter and happier. When we prevent our minds from slipping into delusion, we find spiritual freedom.

Along these lines, I once heard that 90% of the thoughts we have today are ones we had yesterday.

Imagine what this world would be like if everyday each one of us had 100% new thoughts.

So, as I journey forth, I continue to train my mind, open my heart and bring myself closer to new ways of thinking and being.

It's not easy. Sometimes, like in yoga, I slip and fall. The trick is getting back up, breathing and finding the balance which lives within but which my mind sometimes obscures.


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