Monday, October 19, 2009

Brand X Religion

it's laundry day
and i'm using an ultra concentrated detergent.
what a modern marvel!
cleaner clothes in 1/4 cup!

i gloat as i sort,
clapping myself on the back
on not falling for those flashy brand x versions
promising to do more with more out of my pocket.

isn't religion the same?
we distill god down to
a word or a book or a vision
and we applaud our efficiency.

hell, with all this concentrated power,
we need less!
we marvel at our creation
and wonder if this version of god
will still lather us of our sins
and keep us cleaner, longer.

THANK GOD for 2x Ultra God!

Enlightenment in a bottle
and specially formulated for
high efficiency human machines.

2 comments: said...

Hooah as they would say here, we do NEED less! If only we could OPEN our eyes. Great poem Kelly:)

Kelly said...

thanks, olin! if only we would open our minds!!! hugs, kel