Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reflections on 2008


2008 seemed to have a funny way of progressing.

First, it seemed to clip along at a fast pace for the first few months, then it downshifted into a slower than slow pace for the late spring and summer only to speed up again through the fall and winter.

However, whatever the pace and speed, 2008 found me in an introspective mood.
It was a year of both tough storms and cool, bright weather. And, throughout its many months, I somehow found myself -- my real Kelly, twinkly-eyed, giggling, bright soul self -- again. Best part? I rediscovered her myself with a familiar zeal which just got a little lost the past year or so.

Like any year, there are lessons embedded in every day and month. 2008 was no exception! So, in the spirit of last year, I've compiled a small list of some of the most powerful lessons and reminders from this past year:

1. Your body always knows what is right for you, even if your mind thinks otherwise. The trick is not to allow yourself to be duped by your mind.

2. Sometimes growth is painful. However, it is only painful when you cling to the past.

3. You must put yourself first always, otherwise you cannot expect to be there fully for others.

4. It is important to accept responsibility for your actions, thoughts and deeds. You cannot blame anyone else for anything. You must accept responsibility for your part in everything.

5. When you clean up your energy ("tap in, tune in, turn on" according to Abraham-Hicks), amazing things will find you. For example, by setting my intention to travel, I was able (all expenses paid) to go to Azerbaijan, Italy, Alaska, Peru, the Deep South, Hawaii and Chicago all within 4 months! I saw some incredible things and learned much more.

6. During life's tougher moments, you see clearly who your true friends are.

7. Deep love will find you when you're not looking for it and, often, presenting itself in the strangest of locations.

8. Dear friends are as necessary as breathing and 2008 brought into my life some of the dearest.

9. One's world and one's worldview are only as limited as your own limited thinking. Dare to see beyond what you believe can even exist and be. My hunch is that you will surprise yourself.

10. Times of silence and reflection are essential. Foster your internal life and help it grow.

11. Follow the synchronicities which appear in your life. Be adventurous like Alice!

12. Find reasons to giggle and do it a lot!

Again, one lesson for every month of the year.
I look forward to the lessons and surprises of 2009
and ask for blessings upon each day.

May your own year find you bright, happy and healthy.

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